FutureFlyingSaucers in Moving! Please Come With Me!

Yes. It’s been very quiet around here!

But exciting things have been taking place. FFS will no longer be at WordPress.com.

I am now over at:


If you still want to be a part of the FFS Community, (and I hope you will!) then I need you to click on the huge link above and subscribe for me. I have no idea if WordPress is going to move all of you for me or not, but if you do it on your own, then you have no worries!

If you are following FFS on Facebook, you do not need to do anything. That will not change.

Also, if you happen to find a picture that disappeared, or a link that doesn’t work…please contact me and let me know so I can get it fixed.

I have a few posts backlogged, so as soon as all of the kinks are worked out, and I’ve waited for you all to join me, expect a post.

Have a fantastic day, and at this point I will say, “Goodbye FFS.wordpress.com”. It’s been a fantastic beginning!!!

Enhancing Your Marriage ~ an Online Bible Study

A few weeks ago I asked for your input for which type of online Bible study you would be interested in. Almost everyone voted for the Marriage Enrichment study. So that is the one we will do.

The Info You Need:71549_w185

Because we are all about to be swamped by holiday festivities, we’ll be starting the Enhancing Your Marriage study in January. This is good, because if you want to actually buy the book for yourself, you will have plenty of time for snail mail to get it to you.

You will not need the book to be a part of our Marriage study, but if you’d like to buy it you can click through the image to the right and it will take you to the book.

This study will not be “done” on a specific day, but I will probably have one day a week where we can discuss part of a chapter. We’ll take 2 weeks per chapter because life happens and I don’t want anyone to get frustrated.

If you’ve never done a Judy Rossi study before, then you are in for a treat!! She is an amazing Bible teacher. I worked through her parenting study a year or so ago and I learned so much! I’m excited to have you join me for this one.

What You’ll Want to do Before We Start:

I’m going to try doing some different online “fun stuff” with this study, so be sure that you are following FFS on Facebook. That link is over on the right too.

You might want to get some friends involved as well. Having coffee with 2-3 girl friends and discussing the word of God can be life changing! And even if you can’t actually GO to the coffee house together, you still might be able to email, message, and interact here on the blog. So be sure to help get the word out to those you know who love to dig deep into the Bible for meat.


I ask that, during the next 6 or so weeks before we begin, you would ask the Lord to prepare your heart for this study. Marriages today are bombed by fleshly sin and Satan. If marriages and families can be destroyed, then governments will fall. It’s that simple. All you have to do is look around you. So I ask that you pray for your heart, pray for your friends who might join you, and for me as I attempt to facilitate this amazing study of the word of God.

***If you would be so kind as to leave a comment below telling me that you will be following the study, I would appreciate it. That will help me to plan AND pray. Thank you!!

Thankfulness in a Box

I am excited to share a fun lesson with you today that comes from Mary Kate Warner from Christianity Cove! If you haven’t checked out all of her resources, be sure to click on the link at the end of the page. Enjoy!!

thanksfulness in a box

Thanksgiving Household Object Lesson: Thankfulness in a Box

We often forget to give thanks and approach God only when we want something. You can help break kids of this habit by bringing in a box filled with opportunities to feel gratitude. That is…a box filled with anything at all! Follow our model or make up your own. You will put kids in a great position to feel thankful in ways they have never felt before. Continue reading

The Ordinary Disciple ~ An Adoption Story


I sat in the rocking chair watching her. This little girl who has moved into my home. How did we get to this point?

My husband and I weren’t even married yet when we had the conversation. We decided that we would have children. Whether they were biological or adopted, we would have children in our family. We also discussed that even if we DID have biological children, we would probably still adopt. Continue reading

By future.flying.saucers Posted in Adoption

Smile! It’s Friday ~ Allume Style!

So I went to the blogger’s conference called Allume a few weeks ago. And, for me at least, what was supposed to be a Blogger’s Conference, turned into church and worship. God showed up in mighty ways and I am still processing all of the Truths revealed to me.

One of my most favorite parts of the conference was the worship service on Saturday evening. My table mates and I had noticed the appearance of easels all around the room. We were curious.

We finished up dinner, and I don’t remember if the keynote speaker was next, but eventually the worship leader and the band came on the stage. Joining them were 8 local Christian painters. And what I was about to experience still brings a smile of amazement to my face!

Allume worshipThe entire room broke out in praise for the God of the universe. Some in song, some in movement, and some with paint. Continue reading

SShhhhh….400 Years of Silence

English: Evora roman temple at sunset

English: Evora roman temple at sunset (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Materials: Walk Thru the Bible New Testament Hand Motions (must go to a training event for these) Continue reading

Winds of Change

I’m not like my husband who only orders soft tacos when we eat Mexican food. I like to change my food up a bit. But when it comes to life changes, even GOOD change can be stressful and hard for me.

Change. I’m finding I’m not a lover of change.

But change happens. LIFE happens. And one of the things I promised you, Readers, was that, if you joined the FFS Community, I would be real with you. So I’m gonna lay it all out for you. Continue reading

In God I Boast ~ Do You Believe in Coincidence?

I have had an amazing year writing reviews for the This Old Schoolhouse Review Crew. One of the greatest things has been meeting other homeschooling moms who love the Lord. Kym is one of those TOS moms and I am so thankful for her sharing her story with us today. I pray that it will bless you.

Let’s boast in the Lord together!!

boast in God Continue reading

Homeschool Review: Apologia (Exploring Creation with Chemistry and Physics)

apologia chemistry

I LOVE Physics! I’m not all the good at it, but I think it’s loads of fun. Chemistry is cool too. I didn’t do so well in chem class though. So being able to review Apologia’s newest text in the Exploring Creation series was exciting because I knew this would be a solid informational book that I can use. Apologia did not let me down! Continue reading