Smile! It’s Friday ~ Allume Style!

So I went to the blogger’s conference called Allume a few weeks ago. And, for me at least, what was supposed to be a Blogger’s Conference, turned into church and worship. God showed up in mighty ways and I am still processing all of the Truths revealed to me.

One of my most favorite parts of the conference was the worship service on Saturday evening. My table mates and I had noticed the appearance of easels all around the room. We were curious.

We finished up dinner, and I don’t remember if the keynote speaker was next, but eventually the worship leader and the band came on the stage. Joining them were 8 local Christian painters. And what I was about to experience still brings a smile of amazement to my face!

Allume worshipThe entire room broke out in praise for the God of the universe. Some in song, some in movement, and some with paint. Continue reading

Smile! It’s Friday! #13

Hmmmm….it’s Friday AND this is Smile! It’s Friday #13….I hope no one is superstitious!

So my 6 year old son lost his first tooth!


We don’t “do” the Tooth Fairy. Besides, I don’t think we could afford her anyway. But my husband and I decided to mark this monumental time period by giving out $2 bills for each tooth. (I’m very glad we have quite a stash saved from over the years!)


Have a FANTASTIC Friday!!

Other posts you might like: I’m Sorry…My Kids Don’t Believe in the Easter Bunny

SMILE! It’s Friday!! #12

Quick! What does this picture immediately bring to your mind?


I walked out of the office, saw this set up, and thought, “I need the camera! This is funny!”

Did you happen to think this?


Have a HAPPY FRIDAY!!!! Share a Smile!

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SMILE!! It’s Friday!!!

Happy Day to you, Readers!!

I want to WELCOME all of the new faces that have joined the FFS community recently. I am excited that you chose to follow FFS either through email, WordPress, or Facebook.

For those who have been around FFS since the beginning, you might be noticing a few changes on the right of your computer screen. Over the past few weeks I have been learning, and trying new things, and praying…and you are beginning to see the fruit of some of my efforts. In fact, I have been amazed at how FFS has grown in the past week. It’s been an amazing thing to sit back in the computer chair and watch!!

There is one thing I want ALL of my Readers to know. Everything on FFS is FREE! I do not sell blog space to businesses. I do not have affiliate links. I do not make an income from this blog. Keeping a blog going is fun and hard work, but I really believe that the Gospel and education should be FREE.

The first week in August I’ll be posting about having a Christ-Focused Homeschool. That should be fun! I’ve been totally convicted already, but I am so glad I serve a Savior who forgives and picks us up after failure.

Later in August, Awana will begin again and I’ll be adding more Bible Lessons to the list. I’m excited to be working through the life of Jesus with the kids this year.

What else will be happening? I’ll be posting a few reviews here and there. I’m sure God will be teaching me something through Bible study which I’ll share in a devotion for you. Other than that…I don’t know. I have no idea what God will do with the FFS blog. But it is His.

ANNNDDD… always know I’m wanting to make you smile with the silliness of my family, so here is your Smile!! It’s Friday!! smile:



SMILE! It’s Friday! ~ Baby Shower

I was invited to a baby shower today. I don’t know about you, but when I’m invited to events, I try very hard to make sure I can go. This was no different. I received the invitation around 9:45 this morning and the baby shower was to take place….um, then.

In the living room.

My living room.

There was a mound of “gifts” in the middle of the room.

The Little Mama sat on the couch and RB sat next to her. I was to be the camera person and sit on the chair opposite the present opening.

DSC_0233 Continue reading

SMILE! It’s Friday!! #9

I love how kids’ art shows development! See my post about that HERE.

RB drew this picture for me yesterday and told me about it. You can see how much his art has improved over the last few months.

It made me smile.


**Don’t miss the next “Smile! It’s Friday!” Click on the “Follow Me” button to the right of your screen.**

Smile! It’s Friday!! #8

I love my son! And this post is dedicated to him today. It has been so fun to watch him grow and develop over the years. And believe me when I say I do not miss the fact that I have extra blessings poured upon me with my children because we have chosen to homeschool. I get so much time with my children…and I LOVE it! I am blessed and grateful, and I do not take it for granted. Not every day is a walk in the park, but overall, homeschooling has been phenomenal. Continue reading

Smile! It’s Friday!! #7

During lunch yesterday we read this paragraph from Little Pilgrim’s Progress by Helen Taylor:

Then Mercy, turning to look behind her, and saw a lion coming after them. It began to roar as it drew near, and Great Heart made the children go behind him while he waited for the savage beast. But when the creature saw that its enemy was prepared to fight instead of running away, it crouched down upon the path and came no farther. Continue reading