Enhancing Your Marriage ~ an Online Bible Study

A few weeks ago I asked for your input for which type of online Bible study you would be interested in. Almost everyone voted for the Marriage Enrichment study. So that is the one we will do.

The Info You Need:71549_w185

Because we are all about to be swamped by holiday festivities, we’ll be starting the Enhancing Your Marriage study in January. This is good, because if you want to actually buy the book for yourself, you will have plenty of time for snail mail to get it to you.

You will not need the book to be a part of our Marriage study, but if you’d like to buy it you can click through the image to the right and it will take you to the book.

This study will not be “done” on a specific day, but I will probably have one day a week where we can discuss part of a chapter. We’ll take 2 weeks per chapter because life happens and I don’t want anyone to get frustrated.

If you’ve never done a Judy Rossi study before, then you are in for a treat!! She is an amazing Bible teacher. I worked through her parenting study a year or so ago and I learned so much! I’m excited to have you join me for this one.

What You’ll Want to do Before We Start:

I’m going to try doing some different online “fun stuff” with this study, so be sure that you are following FFS on Facebook. That link is over on the right too.

You might want to get some friends involved as well. Having coffee with 2-3 girl friends and discussing the word of God can be life changing! And even if you can’t actually GO to the coffee house together, you still might be able to email, message, and interact here on the blog. So be sure to help get the word out to those you know who love to dig deep into the Bible for meat.


I ask that, during the next 6 or so weeks before we begin, you would ask the Lord to prepare your heart for this study. Marriages today are bombed by fleshly sin and Satan. If marriages and families can be destroyed, then governments will fall. It’s that simple. All you have to do is look around you. So I ask that you pray for your heart, pray for your friends who might join you, and for me as I attempt to facilitate this amazing study of the word of God.

***If you would be so kind as to leave a comment below telling me that you will be following the study, I would appreciate it. That will help me to plan AND pray. Thank you!!

Smile! It’s Friday ~ Allume Style!

So I went to the blogger’s conference called Allume a few weeks ago. And, for me at least, what was supposed to be a Blogger’s Conference, turned into church and worship. God showed up in mighty ways and I am still processing all of the Truths revealed to me.

One of my most favorite parts of the conference was the worship service on Saturday evening. My table mates and I had noticed the appearance of easels all around the room. We were curious.

We finished up dinner, and I don’t remember if the keynote speaker was next, but eventually the worship leader and the band came on the stage. Joining them were 8 local Christian painters. And what I was about to experience still brings a smile of amazement to my face!

Allume worshipThe entire room broke out in praise for the God of the universe. Some in song, some in movement, and some with paint. Continue reading

In God I Boast ~ Do You Believe in Coincidence?

I have had an amazing year writing reviews for the This Old Schoolhouse Review Crew. One of the greatest things has been meeting other homeschooling moms who love the Lord. Kym is one of those TOS moms and I am so thankful for her sharing her story with us today. I pray that it will bless you.

Let’s boast in the Lord together!!

boast in God Continue reading

To My New Daughter

Dear Baby Doll~

I meet you today. You don’t know me yet. And I don’t know you.

I’ve seen a few pictures of you and your pretty blond, curly hair. You had on a Minnie Mouse shirt. Do you like Minnie Mouse?

I hear you like to wear bows in your hair and sparkly necklaces around your neck. We have plenty of each at our house. We even have sparkly fingernail polish. Won’t that be fun?

Our family has prayed for over 2 years for our Baby #3. When we filled out the paperwork at DSS and went through the 8 hour training course we had no idea we would be waiting so long. But God’s timing is perfect.

In a few hours when I see your tiny face and your large eyes, I hope you can’t see the trembling of my hands and the flutters of my heart.

I’m so scared you might not like me.

But even if you don’t like me, God has chosen to put us together. I will start out being your Foster Mama. And I pray that a judge will choose to let my family become your Forever Family through adoption.

You don’t know me yet; and I don’t know you. But I know the God who knows us both.

And I plan on introducing Him to you.

Your New Mama


For Such a Time as This

Time as This

There comes a time when God moves so that permanent change takes place. There are moments when His glory is so profound that one cannot help but brake because of the light that is shining and piercing the soul. There comes an instant when a person realizes that the gauntlet has been thrown down and God wants His child to respond.

So how does one respond at such a time?

How do I respond?

I responded tonight with a broken heart and total surrender.

How else can one even stand before a Holy God who loves unconditionally?

He takes my fears and my insecurities and transforms them into jewels in a crown of righteousness.

Reader, I know that all 300 or so of those following FFS do not read this blog every time I post. That’s just how the blogging world is. But YOU are reading now, and I want you to know that I am writing this blog for YOU. I am writing to the mom who just wants to get through the day without baby spit-up on her shirt. I am writing to the working dad who has wonderful grandchildren. I am writing to the Children’s Ministry worker who wants to do well for the Lord. I am writing to the homeschool mom who feels she just doesn’t have her act together today.

I have YOUR attention for a few minutes of the day, but it is my heart that the words you read here point you to Jesus EVERY time you choose to open up a post. Do you know that I pray for you? I do. I may not know your name, but God does.

Reader, I pray that God does something amazing with you today. OWN your brokenness. Surrender. Do His will. He has you exactly where He wants you…for such a time as this.

Go be extraordinary for Jesus today!

Book Review: The War on Christmas


I have had the opportunity to review a book that should be read by anyone who thinks they know, or questions, the Truth of Christmas. Bodie Hodge, from Answers in Genesis, has edited a beautiful book called, The War on Christmas, ($17.99), and has compiled quite a few articles written to educate and help families make informed decisions on how to celebrate a Biblical Christmas. Continue reading

In God I Boast ~ Do Not Fear

Ever have one of those blog posts that makes you say, “Was that author in my head and heart? How did she know to write that?” That was this post for me. I’m going through a stressful time right now, Hopefully I can share it with you in the coming weeks, but for now, I am waiting. And trying not to fear. I am humbled to have my blogging friend Meg from Adventures With Jude be our guest blogger today. May her post encourage you as much as it did me.

Let’s boast in the Lord together!!

boast in God Continue reading

In God I Boast ~ The Power of Prayer

If you happen to remember the review I did on the Homeschool Planner, then you will remember the beautiful work of Jennifer who blogs over at Godly Glimpses. I’m excited to feature her as our “In God I Boast” guest writer today! I hope that you will prayerfully read her article and then leave a comment for her down below. Enjoy!!

Let’s boast in the Lord together!!

boast in God Continue reading