FutureFlyingSaucers in Moving! Please Come With Me!

Yes. It’s been very quiet around here!

But exciting things have been taking place. FFS will no longer be at WordPress.com.

I am now over at:


If you still want to be a part of the FFS Community, (and I hope you will!) then I need you to click on the huge link above and subscribe for me. I have no idea if WordPress is going to move all of you for me or not, but if you do it on your own, then you have no worries!

If you are following FFS on Facebook, you do not need to do anything. That will not change.

Also, if you happen to find a picture that disappeared, or a link that doesn’t work…please contact me and let me know so I can get it fixed.

I have a few posts backlogged, so as soon as all of the kinks are worked out, and I’ve waited for you all to join me, expect a post.

Have a fantastic day, and at this point I will say, “Goodbye FFS.wordpress.com”. It’s been a fantastic beginning!!!

Book Review: The War on Christmas


I have had the opportunity to review a book that should be read by anyone who thinks they know, or questions, the Truth of Christmas. Bodie Hodge, from Answers in Genesis, has edited a beautiful book called, The War on Christmas, ($17.99), and has compiled quite a few articles written to educate and help families make informed decisions on how to celebrate a Biblical Christmas. Continue reading

Give Myself Away In Spite of the Unknown

Change is hard. Some people seem to relish it. Others seem to avoid it all cost. Me? I’m in the midst of it. I’m right on the cusp of something. I don’t know all of the details. I can’t tell you any details. And it’s scary. Other lives are at stake. A wrong decision would be devastating to everyone involved.

This is is big deal.

Yet, I’m trying to not make this a big deal because if I started thinking, and planning, my heart might end up breaking in the end.

As I listened to a song in church tonight the Lord revealed to me how selfish I have been this week when all of this “stuff” started happening. I’ve been introspective. I’ve been withdrawn from people.

This is one of those situations where it’s “not about me.” Yet, it’s about me. And it’s ALL about God.

I must be broken and poured out.

I must choose to be a living sacrifice.

This is where I am…I’ll let the words of the song say it:

Here I am
Here I stand
Lord, my life is in your hands
Lord, I’m longing to see
Your desires revealed in me
I give myself away.

I can’t say it any better than that. Those words are my heart’s desire in this moment. In this situation.

It’s not about me, yet it IS about me.
It’s about me giving myself away, broken, to a God who has amazing desires, and dreams, to reveal in me.

So even if there is an unknown future, I still need to be OTHERS centered. Not focused on myself and my fears. During the daily grind, I must still show my love to others and not be paralyzed by what “might” be. I must give myself away in spite of the unknown.

Readers, I would appreciate your prayers during this time of the unknown. And I hope that I will be able to fill in all the details with you soon.
Thank you. 🙂

Five Minute Friday: True

It’s called “Five Minute Friday.” Over at Lisa-Jo Baker’s blog, she gives a one word prompt. Then we writers are to set our timers for five minutes and write with gusto! No spelling or grammar worries, just pure, raw, lovely thoughts put onto a computer screen. If you like that kind of challenge, then go get your timer and link up!

Five Minute FridayThis week’s word is: True


What is TRUE about my life? What makes it what it is? There are all the things that everyone knows: I homeschool, I teach the Bible, I stay at home, I struggle with my weight, I enjoy encouraging people…

But then there are the things about me that are TRUE that you probably don’t know. And those are the things that are hard to share. For example, my insecurity that if I’m really real with people, then I know no one will ever want to be my friend again. I know the horrible things that go on in my heart and brain. Struggles that I fight every day.

There are TRUE things about my past that aren’t pretty. But they have helped to turn me into who I am.

Truth is not always pretty. But it is something we all must face.

The truth is, despite our desire to stay as young as we can, we will turn old.

The truth is, everyone must die one day.

The truth is, there is hope for the future.

The truth is, Someone a lot bigger than your problems loves you.

The truth is, you do not need to define your future by the mistakes of your past.

The truth is, there is an enemy who doesn’t want you to hear the truth.

So when you hear what is TRUE…CLING to it! Even if it is hard. Because most of the time, it’s the hard truths that give us the solid Truth we need for tomorrow.


Thanks for joining me today! Have a fantastic weekend!

future flying.saucers

Five Minute Friday: SHE

So it’s called “Five Minute Friday.” Over at Lisa-Jo Baker’s blog, she gives a one word prompt EARLY Friday morning. Then we writers are to set our timers for five minutes and write with gusto! No spelling or grammar worries, just pure, raw, lovely thoughts put onto a computer screen. If you like that kind of challenge, then go get your timer and link up!

Five Minute FridayThis week’s word is: SHE


SHE: It’s a word with three letters. A pronoun of the female persuation.

But before there was a SHE there was a HE.

And the LORD and HE knew there was something missing. So the LORD created a SHE from the HE.

A helpmate. A freind. A wife.

SHE was taken from the HE. Not from the foot, so as to be stepped on, but from the side of the HE. An equal to be loved with his heart.

SHE is blamed for the problems of this world. The snake, the garden, the fruit.

However, it could have happened to anyone.

It is also through a SHE that the ONE which was to die for the salvation of all peoples came.

SHE. It is a small word. Yet it is a catalyst for grace, mercy, and eternal relationship.


Thanks for joining me today! Have a fantastic weekend!

future flying.saucers

Five Minute Friday: MERCY

So it’s called “Five Minute Friday.” Over at Lisa-Jo Baker’s blog, she gives a one word prompt. Then we writers are to set our timers for five minutes and write with gusto! No spelling or grammar worries, just pure, raw, lovely thoughts put onto a computer screen. If you like that kind of challenge, then go get your timer and link up!

Five Minute FridayThis week’s word is: MERCY


The Lord is good. And He is worthy of all of our praise. And there really are times when I don’t “get” Him. I know that’s scriptural and all. His ways are not my ways, etc. But I wonder where God’s mercy is at times.

I look around me and see suffering. Worldwide, stateside, in my church, next door.

Where is God’s mercy? There are some people who have trial after trial after trial. And I wonder where God’s mercy is. They sure need some.

But perhaps the mercy is there, and it’s stronger, because the storm is raging. It’s the storm that teaches us perseverance, trust, reliance.

And it’s when we are calling out to the God who hears that the mercy falls upon us like rain.


Thanks for joining me today! Have a fantastic weekend!

future flying.saucers

An Ode to Technology

* I never promised you I could write good poetry, but this reflects my day…..

Oh, Technology,
How we love you.
With our camera phones, tablets, and automatic van doors;
Dishwashers, lawn mowers, and air conditioner.
Oh, Technology,
How we love you!

Oh, Technology.
How we love you.
Scientific research, cell phone towers, and computer code;
But when you fail, break, and don’t load…
Oh Technology,
How we don’t like you.

Like the Israelites wandering and complaining in the dessert,
We grumble when things don’t go our way.
Yet we need to remember how blessed we are;
That we can even take a breath today.

So Technology,
Even though we love you,
We must focus on Someone greater.
For when we are in times of trouble,
We should look to the mighty Creator.

By the way, I would have added a picture to this post, but my technology wasn’t working.

What technology broke on you when you were really needing it?

To Those of You Who Do Not Leave Comments on Blogs

To Those of You Who Do Not Leave Comments on Blogs~

I am a Blogger. It takes time and energy to write, edit, take pictures, and publish each article. Of course I thrive on feedback from those who read what I place out there in the wide world of websites. There are days when I catch myself checking the blog or email just to see if I heard from anyone. Sometimes I check too often and then when there is silence, I get discouraged.

I know you are out there. I have all the stats before me. I’ve asked other Bloggers what they do to improve their site, to draw in visitors and comments. I’ve read and read other blogs about “How to Increase Your Blog’s Stats in Three Easy Steps.” Some tweaks I’ve made. Others I won’t buy into.

I got to thinking.

What is the purpose of FFS? Why did I begin this blog in the first place?

Why? I want to spread the gospel. I want to encourage others on their journey of life. I want to share my struggles and blessings so I might glorify my King.

The purpose of FFS is not to bring in thousands of views a day, receive 30 comments per post, or bring income to my wallet. Believe me when I say, I’ve learned a lot about affiliate links, ads, and raising my SEO lately.

It thrills my heart when someone comes up to me, or sends me an email, to say how much a post meant to him or her. Especially if I had no idea this person was even reading my blog. At times the next words from this person will be, “I’m sorry I don’t comment any.”

If this person might be you, please do not feel entitled, guilty, or ashamed if you have not interacted on the blog. People are busy. You have a job to do, laundry to wash, food to cook, a garden to plow. The fact that you would take 5 minutes to read something I wrote is amazing. The fact that someone might actually use one of the Bible lessons with a ministry is even more humbling.

Do I want your comments? Absolutely! Do I want you to share articles that bless you? Please do! I love hearing your opinions, advice, and struggles. I try to comment back. After all, some days I’m waiting for them! “Bloggy” friends are fun and great to have!

Before I end this note to you, allow me to let you in on a secret. I don’t leave many comments either. And if you are a Subscriber to this blog and a Blogger, please know that I come to your page to check up on you. I may not get over there every day, but I do try to visit often. I happen to have a busy life, too.

Reader, you are valuable to me. Thank you for taking the time to visit.

May you be blessed by the King today,

What’s Happening at FFS?


The kids are picking strawberries. The picture doesn’t have anything to do with this post, but I thought they looked sweet!

Readers, I thought it might be time for a quick update post.

Spring has sprung and life is crazy as public school and church activities end for the summer. Awana will be ending in 2.5 weeks. We’ll be having our awards ceremony and it will be exciting to watch the kids receive their awards. Because of Awana breaking for the summer, I will not be posting any new Bible lessons, except for the one I did last week. (I’m late, I know.) I will resume posting lessons when Awana begins again in August.

A big change for me is my decision to step down from being an Awana Commander. In fact, all four of us Pink Ladies will be stepping down. Being Commander is a big job and our ministry is to the point that it needs a fantastic manager and someone with different talents than the four of us have. This is a “sad for me,” but “great for the ministry” type event. The man taking over as Awana Commander will be able to lead the ministry as God works to enlargen its territory. My leaving the Awana Leadership will allow me to focus more on being the Awana Bible Teacher. This is where my heart is and where God has equipped me to serve.

My son will be turning 6 tomorrow, so another birthday party will be taking place this weekend. If you remember last year’s, it will be quite the event.

Another event happening for our family is our taking a two week vacation to the United Kingdom. My husband and I will be taking the two kids and his mom across the ocean for some cultural expansion and history immersion. We are excited, so be sure to look out for posts from England!

Later this summer, my husband will be going on a missions trip to Nicaragua, I will have family driving up from Florida to visit and explore our state, I’ll be teaching a Ladies Bible study for 6 weeks, and the annual Messy Party will take place some time in July.

As you can see we have all kinds of fun stuff coming up during the next few months.

I appreciate all of my Readers who have stuck with me over the past year. Thank you.