About Me

I am a Stay At Home mom with two of the silliest children (RB and Sweet Cheeks) in South Carolina. They get their silliness from their Daddy.

I have been a teacher in public, private and Christian schools. I teach women’s Bible studies. I am  involved in Children’s Ministry…businesscardheadshot

And I homeschool. This is, hands down, the HARDEST thing I have ever done. Parenting in itself is hard, but when you add schooling on top of it, it becomes a daily challenge. I won’t even pretend to be a “perfect blogging home school mom.” That is not me. I don’t want this blog to be focused on home schooling. Yes, it is what my family has chosen to do; and yes, I am passionate about it. However, there is more to my life than homeschool…

…like Awana. I am the Bible Counsel Teacher and I teach the Bible lessons each week. For years my husband has encouraged me to freely publish the Bible curriculum that I develop. So this blog is my attempt to help others in ministry spread the gospel of Jesus by posting my Bible lessons each week. I also post articles as I am learning from adult Bible studies. And then I post fun, silly, family posts that help make life interesting and joyful.


I want this blog to a place where I can be honest. Life is hard. Let’s be real.
I want this blog to glorify God and edify my brothers and sisters in Christ.
I want this blog to help others teach children about Jesus.

I try to love the Lord with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength. And it’s not easy. Being a Christian is not easy, but it is worth the price paid. After all, Jesus paid with His life.

May you be blessed as you read through this blog. Thank you for stopping by!!


49 comments on “About Me

    • Yea for the south!! I am honored that you stopped by. I’m just getting started into this “blogging” thing. I’m enjoying it so far. Many blessings to you!

  1. I look forward to following your blog! I love your “about me” introduction. It’s so nice when I meet “real” moms who are humble and honest like yourself! God bless you, friend! 🙂

  2. I look forward to following your blog! I love your “about me” introduction. It’s so nice when I meet “real” moms who are humble and honest like yourself! God bless you, friend!

  3. I wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. You can find it here: simplyjuliana.wordpress.com/Very Inspiring Blogger Award

  4. Pingback: Weight Loss: From Guilt to Peace | Future.Flying.Saucers

  5. Thanks for stopping by my blog today! I am always happy to see new faces 😉

    Your blog is wonderful and unlike any I’ve seen before. I homeschooled our kids for a couple of years; very memorable years that I wouldn’t trade for anything! Tough, but rewarding! Hang in there!

  6. HI Flying! Thanks for following my blog and I’ll look froward to checking out yours! I left a reply to your question regarding lemon juice on my blog. After seeing your family photo looks like you’ve got your hands full of love! (And that you enjoy blogging as much as I do.) Stay happy, Ellie

    • Thank you for your reply back to me. I’ll remember to pick up some lemon the next time I’m at the store. 🙂 Until then, I’ll use the lemon juice I have in the fridge. It’ll have to do. But I found yesterday when I started to crave sweets, I drank some of my lemon water and it seemed to stop my brain some. I appreciate your blog. Thank you!

  7. Pingback: Guest Blogger! | Thoughts From An American Woman

  8. Hi Flying, I just wanted to check in and see how your restaurant test went last night? I have faith you buzzed through it with flying saucer colors! (I know, I know, you’ll never confide anything to me again, right???? hehehehehe.) I was just thinking about you and hoped it was a wonderful social occasion.

  9. Hi, I was trying to email my blog article to you for consideration but it looks like your server is getting rejected or something. I’ve tried twice and it says it just won’t connect. Do you have another email option for me to send the word doc to you?


  10. Thanks for sharing your family’s journey with us! I’m just starting into the homeschool journey with my 3- and 1-year-olds. As a homeschool graduate myself, I’m so encouraged by hearing other family’s stories.

Thoughts? Feel free to share.