Enhancing Your Marriage ~ an Online Bible Study

A few weeks ago I asked for your input for which type of online Bible study you would be interested in. Almost everyone voted for the Marriage Enrichment study. So that is the one we will do.

The Info You Need:71549_w185

Because we are all about to be swamped by holiday festivities, we’ll be starting the Enhancing Your Marriage study in January. This is good, because if you want to actually buy the book for yourself, you will have plenty of time for snail mail to get it to you.

You will not need the book to be a part of our Marriage study, but if you’d like to buy it you can click through the image to the right and it will take you to the book.

This study will not be “done” on a specific day, but I will probably have one day a week where we can discuss part of a chapter. We’ll take 2 weeks per chapter because life happens and I don’t want anyone to get frustrated.

If you’ve never done a Judy Rossi study before, then you are in for a treat!! She is an amazing Bible teacher. I worked through her parenting study a year or so ago and I learned so much! I’m excited to have you join me for this one.

What You’ll Want to do Before We Start:

I’m going to try doing some different online “fun stuff” with this study, so be sure that you are following FFS on Facebook. That link is over on the right too.

You might want to get some friends involved as well. Having coffee with 2-3 girl friends and discussing the word of God can be life changing! And even if you can’t actually GO to the coffee house together, you still might be able to email, message, and interact here on the blog. So be sure to help get the word out to those you know who love to dig deep into the Bible for meat.


I ask that, during the next 6 or so weeks before we begin, you would ask the Lord to prepare your heart for this study. Marriages today are bombed by fleshly sin and Satan. If marriages and families can be destroyed, then governments will fall. It’s that simple. All you have to do is look around you. So I ask that you pray for your heart, pray for your friends who might join you, and for me as I attempt to facilitate this amazing study of the word of God.

***If you would be so kind as to leave a comment below telling me that you will be following the study, I would appreciate it. That will help me to plan AND pray. Thank you!!

Reminders for Studying the Word of God

Tonight at church one of my Pastors taught on the spiritual discipline of Bible study. I thought it was a good way to begin this new online study! He had some great reminders, so I wanted to pass them along to you.

1. Listen to the Word of God – Be sure that you are going to a Bible believing church with a pastor who is not afraid to preach the Truth. And then…make sure you attend regularly! God wants us to be around other believers for many reasons, but He wants us to gather together in worship to hear His called Shepherds teach His word. In conjunction with corporate worship, there are so many other ways to get good preaching to your ears. Radio, podcasts, Youtube, and TV. We are without excuse to hear to Word of the Lord. For some GREAT FREE podcasts, click HERE for the ones I listen to. (Scroll to the end of the page.) Continue reading

Come Join an Online Mom’s Bible Study in January!

I have enjoyed working through the Made to Crave Bible study. I have one lesson left and should finish that up by the end of December. That means it is time to find another study to do! I love studying God’s word, especially with others!!God's wisdom

Beginning in mid-January I will begin an online study of God’s Wisdom for a Mother’s Heart by Bobbie Wolgemuth. Moms need encouragement. And this study looks like it will be practical and help encourage us moms to set priorities, teach obedience, how to pray for our kids, and how to help our kids form God-filled dreams. I’m excited about this!!

The study is meant to last 7 weeks. But I am going to stretch it out over 14 weeks. This will allow “life” to happen. And because this will be an online study, we’ll have discussion and accountability through comments.

If you are interested in joining me, leave a comment below, and then order you a book if you so choose. You do not necessarily need a book. But I will only post the highlights from the study. If you are not a “follower” of my blog, you can either click on the “Follow Me!” button over there to the right, OR you can bookmark the blog so you can check in as you work through the study. All of the studies are listed under the Adult Bible Studies section at the top of the page.

Let’s be real, moms. We need help. We can’t do this parenting thing alone. We need mentoring from each other and, most importantly, wisdom from God’s word.

I hope you will join me in January!!


STOP!!! Screech!! Halt!

Ok. This is why I love homeschooling. I can have a crisis of teaching philosophy and it’s OK.

العربية: Deutsch: Alle Pyramiden von Gizeh auf...I’m fine with our math curriculum. I’m fine with reading and science. What I have not been satisfied with is Bible and History. So I’m going to try something new. 🙂 Yea!

History: I started out doing the whole time line beginning with creation and we got up to Egypt. I was only doing a “survey” type thing. We read a lot of books on the different cultures and figured out main people or landmarks (think pyramids). But I felt that it was SO abstract for my kids’ minds. My son is almost 5. He doesn’t really know about the state he lives in or about this country. Why should he be learning about really old cultures that don’t exist anymore?

Whoa. Before you criticize me, I understand the whole “you gotta know the culture so you can understand the Bible better.” I get that. I don’t have a problem with that. But I don’t want to waste my time. Hence my Bible curriculum.

Bible: I haven’t really done much with this except devotions with the kids up to now. They have their Awana verses and we also have Family Bible Time when we can fit it in. (I know. SHOCK! A homeschooling family that doesn’t read the Bible together EVERY night!) …I’m keeping it real people.

When I taught in Christian School, I taught Bible using Positive Action Bible Curriculum. And I knew I would use it one day with my own kids. Now is the time. They have a new Preschool curriculum just off the presses and I bought the Kindergarten book for RB. They came in the mail today and I am SO excited!! So they will be taking a survey of the Bible with the main stories. And then I found this really neat website where I can download coloring pictures that were made by kids for kids called the Kids Color Me Bible. So my thought is, we’ll do the Positive Action books (to teach Bible Study) and then I’ll have each child make one of the keepsake coloring Bible books to enforce the story. The website also has memory verse cards I can pull in. Awesome.

History/Bible: SO…my conclusion is this. I’m going to focus my kids on the Word of God. As we go through it, then I can show them places on the map, we can research countries such as Egypt, and we can learn about Bible Heroes. I plan on teaching character traits as we learn about them in scripture. I have most of the ValueTales series on my bookshelf. I’ll pull those biographies out as we talk about the character traits, and that brings in more history and heroes.

Bible…History…and Heroes.

We’ll see how this works!

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