SShhhhh….400 Years of Silence

English: Evora roman temple at sunset

English: Evora roman temple at sunset (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Materials: Walk Thru the Bible New Testament Hand Motions (must go to a training event for these) Continue reading

When God Wore a Costume: A Halloween – Christmas Story {Object Lesson}

Christmas Story

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Materials: your baby picture; empty picture frame; nativity scene with shepherds, angels, animals, wise men, and family Continue reading

Brief Review of the Old Testament from the Ten Commandments to Jesus

Old Testament Review

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Materials: drawing; timeline cards Continue reading

Languages + Fastforward to Moses (Genesis 10 and 11, etc)

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Tower of Babel


Materials: map of fertile crescent including Africa and Mediterranean countries; timeline pictures from Tower of Babel to Moses; cards with Greek words (tele, therm, micro, metr, and scop) Continue reading

Noah and the Flood ~ Genesis 6-8 (Gospel Presentation)

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Materials: pictures of what the ark might have looked like; a picture of a gross insect, like a roach Continue reading

Genealogies are Awesome! ~ Genesis 5 (Chart Lesson)

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Biblical Genealogies


Materials: I created a poster of the chart. You might want to have your child, or class, depending upon the age, make a chart; Bible Continue reading

Sin Will Touch Others ~ Genesis 4 (Cain and Abel Object Lesson)

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Cain and Abel Genesis 4


Materials: book with scientific pictures of blood; a glass jar; water; red food coloring


Somewhere outside of the Garden


When Eve looked at the fruit, saw that it was pleasing to the eye, and that it would make her wise, she ate some and then gave the fruit to her husband to eat. Once Adam and Eve were disobedient to God, then SIN entered the world. Their children were born with sin; and their children’s children were born into sin. The Bible tells us that ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Sin is anything we do, anything we say, and anything we think that displeases God. Continue reading

The Fall in the Garden~ Genesis 3 (Object Lesson)

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The fall2


Materials: beautifully wrapped box, with a top you can take off; put yucky trash inside the box (old socks are great!); a few beautiful landscape pictures; picture or figure of a cross Continue reading