Thankfulness in a Box

I am excited to share a fun lesson with you today that comes from Mary Kate Warner from Christianity Cove! If you haven’t checked out all of her resources, be sure to click on the link at the end of the page. Enjoy!!

thanksfulness in a box

Thanksgiving Household Object Lesson: Thankfulness in a Box

We often forget to give thanks and approach God only when we want something. You can help break kids of this habit by bringing in a box filled with opportunities to feel gratitude. That is…a box filled with anything at all! Follow our model or make up your own. You will put kids in a great position to feel thankful in ways they have never felt before. Continue reading

A Thank You to my blog’s Top 5 Commenters!

Hello Readers!!

I wanted to take just 1 minute of your time to thank you for reading this…this blog, my thoughts… about my crazy family, homeschooling stuff, and my musings about my Master Creator.

As with all blogs, it’s the “likes” and “comments” that grow the community of the blogging world.

And you need to know that I appreciate you!

I have been amazed to see my little spot of cyberspace grow to over 7,000 hits and 8o Followers. Now, I am not naive. I know that everyone who “Follows” does not actually read my posts. But for those of you who actually do, I’d like to recognize the “Top Blog Commenters” on my site. 🙂 Continue reading