Winds of Change

I’m not like my husband who only orders soft tacos when we eat Mexican food. I like to change my food up a bit. But when it comes to life changes, even GOOD change can be stressful and hard for me.

Change. I’m finding I’m not a lover of change.

But change happens. LIFE happens. And one of the things I promised you, Readers, was that, if you joined the FFS Community, I would be real with you. So I’m gonna lay it all out for you.

Guest Posts:

I hope you have enjoyed the guest posts for the “I Will Boast in God” series. That series will come to a close the first part of December. If you were a contributing writer for that series, thank you again for the time and effort you put into your story. leaves1

I have had a few Guest Post appearances throughout the past few months. The most recent one was yesterday over at Chestnut Grove Academy. Be sure to check out my devotional post: The Strength of Fall Colors.

2013 Homeschool Awards:

If you happen to look over in the right corner of the blog, you’ll see a button that you can click on. It will take you to a page where you can actually vote for future.flying.saucers. How cool is that?!? Some wonderful people nominated me for Best Variety Blog, Super Homeschooler Blog, and Best Encourager Blog. If you happen to agree with these people, then you can choose to vote for FFS, and all of your other favorite homeschool blogs. You can vote once a day on all devices that you might have in the house. Voting ends on November 18th. FFS is listed among some rather “big name” blogs. So I’m just thankful to even be nominated!! But it would be really cool for FFS to make a good showing.

Contributing Writer for Teach Them Diligently:

If you are a homeschool family, then I hope you have heard of, and/or gone to, one of the Teach Them Diligently conferences. TTD has a blog and I will be writing a monthly article that will be published on the site. So that’s kinda neat. My first article should be published towards the end of November. I’ll let you know on the FFS facebook page.

The TOS Review Crew:

The 2013 year of reviews has ended. I know some of you are not homeschool families, so I appreciate you sticking around and allowing me to indulge myself with reviews. Having a masters degree in curriculum and instruction makes me a little bit of a curriculum junkie. The new year should begin again around February.

Free Bible Lessons:bible lessons for kids

A HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who has pinned and shared any of the Bible lessons. Those are, by far, the most popular posts on FFS. This week I’ll be starting the life of Jesus, so I am excited to see what God does with New Testament lessons!


My new daughter joins our family this Thursday. What a crazy ride THAT has been! I hope to be able to share more of that story soon.

What FFS is:

I had the opportunity to go to the blogging conference, Allume, two weekends ago. I learned so much, made new friends…but God was mighty. I went to this conference not really knowing what it was and what to do with FFS. And I left the weekend with a clear vision.

My goal with this blog is to equip YOU, parents, teachers, children’s leaders, and homeschool moms and dads. I want to equip YOU with what God has entrusted to me. Please hear my heart with these words…I want to do my part to spread the gospel. And God has entrusted a talent to me. I don’t know what His plan is with any of these Bible lessons, but my DREAM would be to see children of all nations being taught these lessons and seeing souls won for Jesus. That is my heart. And God is sovereign.

Your Help:

So with that being said, I would like to ask for your input. What can I do to make future.flying.saucers even better? I have some things in the works such as moving to my own domain (so stay tuned for that!), but I would like to do more. You are a Subscriber or Follower for a reason. Some of you have stuck with me since the beginning. How come? What makes you keep coming back? What do you like? What do you want to see more of? Less of?

I do have the Bible Study that everyone voted on that I will begin in a few weeks. I’ve been playing around with some cool interactive ideas to do with that, and I hope they will work and you will enjoy them.

Reader, you are important to me. After all, without you, only God would read my stuff! But even if you don’t read every post, I know the One for whom I write.

And Now…Your Call to Action:

Please leave a comment below answering one, or a few, or all, of the questions I asked above. Be honest in love!

7 comments on “Winds of Change

  1. Those are a lot of questions…I am here because you were the first to visit my blog. When I first started blogging it was to help me get my childhood out of my head. Having a “place” to put the pain was very helpful for me and I was able to let go, forgive and really pray and let Jesus heal me. I had deleted most of that by the time you found my blog and left a comment. I was considering trashing the whole thing since my therapeutic use of the blog came to an end…or so I thought. When we did the Made To Crave study together the Lord used that and your words to help me close the book on being abused. I am at peace over what happened to me as a child and can now just give it all back to Jesus and let Him use my past…in whatever way he chooses. You are my first blog friend and you inspired me to stick around in the blog world. I still keep a blog because of you so that is why I stick with you.

  2. I can’t wait to hear more about your newest family addition! I have two adopted nephews and my husband and i would love to, but don’t see it being apart of God’s plan for us … at least right now.

Thoughts? Feel free to share.