Homeschool Review: Apologia (Exploring Creation with Chemistry and Physics)

apologia chemistry

I LOVE Physics! I’m not all the good at it, but I think it’s loads of fun. Chemistry is cool too. I didn’t do so well in chem class though. So being able to review Apologia’s newest text in the Exploring Creation series was exciting because I knew this would be a solid informational book that I can use. Apologia did not let me down! Continue reading

Fun Chemistry Song

One day back when my husband and I were newly weds, I mentioned to my wonderful man that there are days when I “wished my life were a musical!” Wouldn’t it be awesome to break out in song when you’re stuck in traffic? or the baby spits up all over your new shirt? or it’s a beautiful day in the park?

Sometimes I do. At least I did when it was me against the sugar ants invading my kitchen a few weeks ago. The kids still ask me to sing the “ant killing” song.

*ahem* Continue reading