Two Quick Awards to Give Out!!

Ok…go ahead…slap my hand. I’ve been bad about this. I knew I had been given an award. I knew I needed to pass it on, but I sure didn’t realize it had been given to me so long ago. And then when I went to get my links, I realized I had been given TWO awards. ~ sigh~

My wonderful blogging friend, Bonita, over at For His Glory And His Praise gave me BOTH of these awards. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I really am honored. I’m slow, but I’m honored.

The first is The Crafty Blogger Award. The rules are:

This award should be given to those who show crafty projects they have made on their blog.

  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you, and place a link to their blog in your post.
  2. Tell about the greatest home made gift you gave or received.
  3. Nominate 5 other bloggers for this award and notify them of their nomination.

I was surprised by this award because I don’t see myself as being very crafty, although I do try. I have homeschool crafts and activities on here every now and then. The kids and I have fun with them. The greatest home made gift I gave would probably be the stepping stones I made with the kids for Christmas 2 years ago for their grandparents. Each stone had their hand prints and colored stones stuck to it. I thought they were cute. If I was a grandparent, I’d have liked it!

The Bloggers nominated for this award:
My Small Potatoes
Music for Little Learners
The Artful Parent
Mrs. Brown’s Art Class

The second award to give out is The One Lovely Blog Award. Once again, thanks goes to Bonita, at For His Glory And His Praise. I’m so thankful for my blogging brothers and sisters in Christ. You guys and gals make blogging fun! I’m supposed to tell you 7 things about myself and then nominate a whole gaggle of blogs. So here I go.
1. I have two blue eyes, two legs, two arms, two feet, one head, and one mouth. I’m very thankful for only having one mouth because…
2. I have trouble controlling my tongue. But I am getting better at it.
3. I was saved when I was in the 7th grade.
4. I’ve been a part of all kinds of denominations. I grew up Methodist, went to an Episcopal school, visited the Presbyterian church with my grandparents, visited the Presbyterian church during high school, went to a non-denominational church during college while living at the  Presbyterian Center on campus, went to an inter-denominational college for graduate school, and wound up choosing to be a part of the Southern Baptist faith in doctrine….
5. Which helps me to love the church, despite its flaws. 🙂
6. My years of Children’s Ministry started when I was a senior in high school when I chose to teach the 5th grade Sunday School class.
7. This means I’ve been in Children’s Ministry for 22 years. (Wow. I shouldn’t be that old!)

My nominations for The Lovely Blog Award are these:

Now I know not all bloggers “do” awards. That’s fine. But please know that you have been noticed and appreciated!

Have a great day!!

8 comments on “Two Quick Awards to Give Out!!

  1. Thank you very much. I just started bloging and even though I don’t have time to do often, I’m enjoying sharing my thoughts!

  2. How exciting! Thank you again, so much! I appreciate you choosing me as one of the winners out of all the different blogs out there you could have picked from. 🙂 God bless you and yours, always!

  3. Congratulations, and you deserved these! We all seem to fall behind in these, and as a homeschooling mom there is good reason. Our children should always come first, only to come after our relationship with God. Even crafts for homeschool are crafty, especially since we have to work on relating them to the learning experience, and not be as much as a perfectionist as we are when we do things ourselves. It is a challenge most crafters don’t have to deal with.

Thoughts? Feel free to share.